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Sports Measurements


Home plate to pitcher's box:           60 ft. 6 in.
Plate to second base: 127 ft. 3 3/8 in.
Distance from base to base:(home plate included) 90 ft.
Batter's Box: 6ft by 4 ft..
Weight of ball: Not less than 5 oz. Not more than 5 1/4 oz.
Bat: Must be round and made of hardwood in one piece or laminated. The diameter will not exceed 2 3/4 inches at thickest part, and length will not exceed 42 inches.

Baseball (little league)

Home plate to pitcher's box: 46 ft.
Plate to second base: 84 ft. 10 in.
Distance from base to base:(home plate included) 60 ft.
Batter's Box: 5ft 6 inches by 3 feet
Weight of ball: Not less than 5 oz. Not more than 5 1/4 oz
Bat: Must be round, made of wood, and not more than 33 inches in length. The diameter at thickest part will not be more than 2 1/4 inches, and not less than 1 1/16 inches at its smallest part. Bats may be taped for a distance not exceeding 16 inches from the smallest end.


Playing Court: 94 feet long by 50 feet wide (maximum dimensions)74 feet long by 42 feet wide (minimum dimensions)
Baskets: Rings 18 inches in inside diameter, with white cord nets measuring 15 to 18 inches in length. Each ring is made of metal and is not more than 5/8 of an inch in diameter.
Basket Ring Height: 10 feet
Batter's Box: 6ft by 4 ft..
Free-throw line: 15 feet from the face of the backboard


Length of Field: 120 yards(including 10 yards of end zone on both sides)
Width of field: 53 1/3 yards (160 ft.)
Height of goal posts: 20 ft.
Height of crossbar: 10 ft.
Width of goal posts:(inside to inside)(outside to outside) 18 ft. 6 in. No more than 19 ft. 2 in.

Men's Volleyball

Court length 60 ft.
Court width: 30 ft.
Height of net from ground: 7 ft. 11 5/8"
Bottom of net from ground: 4 ft. 11 5/8"

Women's Volleyball

Court length 60 ft.
Court width: 30 ft.
Height of net from ground: 7 ft. 4 1/8"
Bottom of net from ground: 4 ft. 4 1/8"

Single Handball Court

Length: 34 ft.
Width: 20 ft.
Service line: 16 ft.


Size of court: Rectangle 78 feet long and 27 feet wide (singles).
Service line: 21 feet from net.
Height of net: 3 feet in center, gradually rising to reach 3 ft 6" posts at each side of court.