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Manufactured Homes


Manufactured homes such as mobile homes are required to be registered with the county Auditor’s office, according to Ohio Revised Code 4503.061(A). In addition, the Auditor’s office is responsible for processing any transfers of a title for a manufactured home.  Transfer & Conveyance hours and location can be found here.  To schedule an appointment, please contact the Manufacrued Homes section at 614-525-3253 or email us at [email protected]

how to transfer a title

Before presenting the title for transfer…

  1. Verify all taxes have been paid with the Treasurer’s Office.
    • All manufactured home taxes must be paid-in-full before the title can be transferred.
    • You can check the status of the taxes by calling the Treasurer’s Office at (614) 525-3438 or by checking their website at
  2. Plan your trip.
    • You will need to present the original certificate of title to 3 total agencies:
      1. The Franklin County Treasurer’s Office
        • Address: 373 S. High St., 17th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
        • Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday
        • Phone: (614) 525-3438
        • No appointment necessary.
      2. The Franklin County Auditor’s Office
        • Address: 373 S. High St., 19th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
        • Hours: 9:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 4:00pm, Monday – Friday
        • Phone: (614) 525-3253
        • No appointment required, but scheduling an appointment is recommended by calling the above number.
      3. Franklin County Title Services (a division of the Franklin County Clerk of Courts)
        • Address: Choose from one of the following 4 locations:
          1. Main/South Branch: 45 Great Southern Blvd., Columbus, OH 43207
          2. North Branch: 980 Morse Rd., Columbus, OH 43229
          3. East Branch: 1583 Alum Creek Dr., Columbus, OH 43209
          4. West Branch: 4153 W. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43228
        • Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday
        • Phone: (614) 525-3090
        • No appointment required, but scheduling an appointment is recommended by calling the above number.
  3. Prepare the necessary fees.
    • Any tax payments to the Treasurer, as stated above. These can be paid electronically online or by cash or check in person. If paid online, please bring a receipt in the event the payment is not posted by the time you arrive to transfer the title.
    • Conveyance fees paid by cash or certified check to the Franklin County Auditor’s Office, which are based upon the purchase price of the home: $3.00 per $1,000 of purchase price, plus a $0.50 transfer fee. If no money was exchanged, you may qualify for an exemption where only the $0.50 transfer fee is due. You can calculate these fees using our online tool at
    • Fees for the Clerk of Courts/Title Office in the amount of $20.00, which can be paid by cash, check, or card. You can confirm the fee amount by calling or visiting the fee schedule on their website at
  4. Don’t forget the title!
    • You must have the original certificate of title – no photocopies will be accepted.
    • It is recommended you have the seller sign the title in front of a notary in advance, however, notaries are available at the Franklin County Treasurer’s Office and Auditor’s Office. Please be careful when writing on the title, as any mistakes may require an affidavit or a new title entirely in order for the Clerk/Title Office to accept it.

Presenting the title for transfer in person…
  1. At the Franklin County Treasurer’s Office
    • Any outstanding taxes must be paid at this time.
    • Once the Treasurer’s Office has confirmed that the account is current on its tax payments, they will apply a red validation stamp to the title.
  2. At the Franklin County Auditor’s Office
    • You may be asked to fill out additional forms at the Auditor’s Office – any forms required are available at the office.
    • You must present the conveyance fees and the title stamped by the Treasurer’s Office.
    • The Auditor’s Manufactured Home Specialist will process the transfer in the Auditor’s records and stamp the title “TRANSFERRED”.
  3. At one of the Franklin County Title Offices
    • At this point, you should be presenting to the Title Office the assigned and notarized certificate of title stamped by the Treasurer’s Office and the Auditor’s Office.
    • You must pay the required fees, and you will be issued a new title for the manufactured home with your/the buyer’s name on it.

When are my taxes due?
Taxes are usually paid twice a year on March 1st and July 31st. Instead of paying in 1 or 2 lump sums yearly, you may choose to set up a monthly payment plan with the Treasurer’s Office. For more information, visit or call them at (614) 525-3438.