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Manufactured Homes FAQ
When are manufactured homes taxes due?

Taxes are due on March 1st of each year. You can choose to pay the entire amount due on March 1st or divide the amount due into two halves. If you choose this option, payments are due March 1st and July 31st of each year.

Am I permitted to put a manufactured home on a permanent foundation?
Yes. These homes are taxed as real property.  In order to qualify, the home must meet the following criteria:
•    All taxes must be paid in full.
•    The home must be permanently affixed to a permanent foundation.
•    The title must be surrendered to the Auditor’s office.
How do I obtain a permit to move my home out of a park?
Any manufactured home that is moved on a public road must have a relocation notice attached to the rear of the home while it is in transit. You can obtain a $5 Relocation Permit from the Franklin County Auditor’s office.  Please note that for our office to issue the permit, all taxes must be paid in full.  Failure to obtain a relocation permit will result in a $100 penalty.  
Do I still qualify for the Homestead Exemption now that I live in a manufactured home?

Manufactured homeowners are eligible for the Homestead Exemption.  Please call 614-525-3240 to speak with an employee in the Homestead Department to discuss eligibility.  

I think the value of my home is too high. Is there an option to have my value reviewed and possibly lowered?

Yes, if your home is being taxed as real property, you have the option of appealing your value through the Franklin County Board of Revision. 

I can’t afford to pay my taxes now, do you have a payment plan?
The Franklin County Treasurer is responsible for collection of all taxes.  Please contact them directly for payment plan information. Their phone number is 614- 525-7515.