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Damaged & Destroyed

Real Property Value Reduction Application 

Dear Neighbor, 

If your property has been damaged by a storm, fire, or by other means, you may be eligible for a reduction in your real estate tax bill. State law gives county auditors the authority to reduce real estate values for properties that have been damaged or destroyed. A substantial reduction in property value will result in a reduction in your real estate tax bill for your property until it has been restored to its prior condition. 

To file for a reduction in your property value, please complete the application below and return it to the Franklin County Auditor’s office as soon as possible, and by the deadlines listed below.  

Please note, by state law applications can’t be processed if received after the filing deadline.   




Key Points:

Calendar Quarter In Which Property Was Damaged Application Deadline Percentage Deduction Allowed
January – March December 31 100%
April – June December 31 75%
July – September December 31 50%
October – December January 31 25%