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Real Estate


The Franklin County Auditor's Office maintains the most comprehensive set of real estate records available in Franklin County. The real estate division's employees oversee the appraisal of 434,001 parcels. Ohio law mandates a general reappraisal every six years, with an update at the three-year midpoint.
In 2023 the office completed the sexennial countywide reappraisal, which is known as The General Reappraisal. The next three-year midpoint update will be completed in 2026, which is called the Triennial Update.

The Real Estate Division consists of several departments with different responsibilities. Each department can be viewed by selecting  the links to the right.  While the appraisal department is charged with assigning fair market values, other departments are responsible for managing tax reduction programs; maintaining proper ownership records; ensuring the correct property taxes have been charged; and processing and distributing more than $2 billion in tax collections to more than 85 entities countywide.
The Real Estate property search website is visited annually by more 1.4 million unique devices, making it one of the most popular sites in the county.


Additional information

Tax Accounting


The primary function of Tax Accounting is to make any and all adjustments to the real estate tax charge. These adjustments could be the result of a Board of Revision case, exemption change, granted penalty forgiveness application, court order, etc.

The Tax Accounting section also, provides a service to Franklin County townships and municipalities by collecting surcharges for special services such as weed cutting and sidewalk installation, and special improvement districts.

In addition, the department is responsible for adjusting tax boundaries and reallocating tax distributions resulting from annexations. This accounting will ensure the accurate charge on every parcel in the county.

For more information please call 614-525-3205.

Tax Incentives

Your Franklin County Auditor’s Office has developed a new Tax Incentive Hub to serve as an accessible and comprehensive source of information about property tax incentives in Franklin County. The tax incentive data below as well as additional information can be viewed on the Tax Incentive Hub here:

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Sara Elder, Tax Incentive Supervisor, at [email protected] or 614-525-6264.

The Tax Incentive Division handles the administration of charitable exemptions and abatement programs. These programs are used as a tool to encourage development and growth and to also create and preserve employment. There are currently around 40,000 parcels within Franklin County that receive some form of tax incentive. Listed below are the various types.

Charitable Exemptions (ORC 5709). Examples include (but are not limited to) churches, hospitals, park districts, colleges or academies and can be full or partial exemptions. Exemption: How to Complete Your Application

Tax Increment Finance - TIF (ORC 5709.40) A TIF parcel pays full tax, however a portion of the tax collected is sent to the municipality to pay for public infrastructure improvements made within the TIF area.

Community Reinvestment Area - CRA (ORC 3735.65) - An incentive used to encourage new construction and job growth.

Enterprise Zone - EZ (ORC 5709.62) - An incentive used to encourage new construction and job growth.

Foregone Tax - Foregone tax are revenues which would otherwise be payable if an abatement was not active.

The Auditor's Office is not involved in the approval of abatement programs, but does manage the parcels and maintains the abatement status. In addition, the Auditor is by law the Chair of the Tax Incentive Review Council for each area of the county that has been granted abatements. For further information, please call 614-525-3226.

The Tax Incentive Division also administers the Current Agricultural Use Valuation (CAUV) program, which saves farmers tax dollars because farm land is assigned value based on soil type rather than standard real estate factors. The CAUV Application and CAUV Renewal Application deadline is the first Monday of March each year. For further information please call 614-525-6254.

23 A Process

If you believe your tax penalty should be remitted you must file a form 23-A Application for the Remission of Real Property and Manufactured Home Late-Payment Penalties with the Franklin County Treasurer's Office.