The BOR is accepting tax year 2024 complaints until March 31, 2025.
Mediation is an opportunity in which an independent and neutral individual (mediator) facilitates communication and negotiation between the property owner and the Auditor’s Office to assist them in reaching a voluntary agreement regarding property valuation. The procedure is outside of the hearing process for the Board of Revision. However, the Board of Revision must approve any settlement reached in a mediation. If you would like more information on our mediation program, please call 614-525-4663(HOME) and ask for mediation.
The Board of Revision will review the complaint and select the most efficient path for your case. Typically, if the case is requesting less than a $50,000 reduction in value it would qualify for the Mediation program.
If your case is selected for mediation, consider submitting documentation substantiating the value you have requested in your complaint. Some examples of supporting documentation include appraisals, purchase contracts/settlement statements, comparable sales for the area and photos of the property. You are welcome to submit the documentation you believe will best serve your case. This documentation should be submitted well in advance of the mediation session.