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Thank you for visiting the Franklin County Auditor website. If you have any questions, please contact Michael.

Fiscal Overview

Fiscal services

The Franklin County Auditor serves as the Chief Financial Officer of the county and is responsible for maintaining accurate records of all money received by and paid out of the county treasury. The auditor's fiscal staff processes revenue, budgetary, accounts payable and payroll transactions. The sufficiency of cash balances to cover expenditures is closely monitored.

financial transparency

Franklin County 
Open Finance 

Franklin County's financial transparency site provides the public with easy access to Franklin County's expenditure, revenue and budget information for the current fiscal year, and the last 4 fiscal years (click the link above to access). This interactive website can be used to search details of county expenses and revenues by agency, category, fund, government area and vendor. The financial data within this site covers every level of governmental finances, from total spending by fiscal year to individual vendor payments. Payroll information is also available.

Financial Reports

The Financial Reporting Department generates and distributes daily and monthly reports to county agencies and departments, providing detailed and summarized information about financial activity. Financial Reporting also compiles and publishes the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. This report reflects the financial position of the County and the results of its operations. A second report, the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR), is more "user-friendly," providing information about the county in a clear and concise format.


Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.
The financial records for nearly 40 county agencies are compiled by the Fiscal Services Division into the  Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). The ACFR is published each year, audited by the Auditor of State, and submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for award consideration.

The GFOA has awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial reporting to Franklin County every year since 1983.

Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting.
In an effort to enhance communication with the residents of Franklin County, the Fiscal Services Division also publishes a Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR). The PAFR supplements the ACFR, translating the technical information into a more "user-friendly" format.

The county has received the GFOA's Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting every year since 1995.