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The Franklin County Auditor's office is responsible for maintaining and updating all records that are related to real estate, including establishing values for every real estate parcel in the county. A full reappraisal of all properties in Franklin County is completed every six years, with a triennial update on the third-year midpoint of the six-year cycle to update values to reflect the current real estate market.

ANNUAL REVIEW: Each year, the appraisal division reviews any property which has changed since the previous year. Most often the change is due to a sale/transfer, new construction, a change in the physical size or shape of the land, a demolition, or damage to the property. Final values are determined by the Ohio Department of Taxation and per Ohio Revised Code.

2023 REAPPRAISAL: Ohio law requires the county auditor to update all property values countywide every three years to reflect recent changes in the marketplace. The 2023 reappraisal involves a visual exterior inspection of each property throughout Franklin County. Learn more by visiting the Know Your Home Value website.

2020 TRIENNIAL UPDATE: The 2020 triennial update saw a median value increase of 20 percent for residential properties and 15 percent for commercial and industrial properties. For tax year 2021, Franklin County reached 144.7 billion in total real estate value, which is an increase of 1.61 percent from the previous high of 142.4 billion in 2020.  The next Triennial Update will take place in 2026. Learn more by reading the 2020 Triennial Update Independent Audit.