Pursuant to Ohio Revised code section 319.15, on the first business day of each month, the county auditor shall prepare in duplicate a statement of the finances of the county for the preceding month, showing the amount of money received to the credit of each fund and account, the amount disbursed from each, the balance remaining to the credit of each, and the balance of money in the treasury and depository. After careful comparison with the county treasurer's balances, they shall submit such statement to the board of county commissioners, which shall place it on file and post one copy in the auditor's office, such copy to remain posted for at least thirty days for the inspection of the public.
The statements to the right report the balance of money in the treasury and depository to the credit of each fund at the end of each month for the current and past years.
financial transparency

Franklin County
Open Finance
Franklin County's financial transparency site provides the public with easy access to Franklin County's expenditure, revenue and budget information for the current fiscal year, and the last 4 fiscal years (click the link above to access). This interactive website can be used to search details of county expenses and revenues by agency, category, fund, government area and vendor. The financial data within this site covers every level of governmental finances, from total spending by fiscal year to individual vendor payments. Payroll information is also available.