Local government settlements
Local Government Fund
The Ohio Department of Taxation determines the total amount available and the allocation to be made to each county’s Local Government Fund. The distribution of revenue from each county’s Local Government Fund is made by the County Auditor to the local governments within Franklin County on or before the 15th day of each month. A statutory formula is used to allocate revenue monthly to the undivided LGFs of each of Ohio’s 88 counties, and county budget commissions determine the distribution of the undivided fund monies to local governments.
For more information see:
Ohio Revised Code Sections 5747.46, 5747.47, 5747.48, 5747.50, 5747.51, 5747.52, 5747.53, 5747.61, 5747.62, 5747.63
Ohio Department of Taxation Distributions Website